
Expanding and Condensing a Chart Window

Neovest lets you expand and condense symbol data in an open Chart window. If you choose to expand the symbol data in a Chart window, then symbol data will be removed from the open Chart window; conversely, if you to choose to condense the symbol data, then symbol data will be added.

The following instructions explain how to expand and condense the symbol data in a Neovest Chart window:
To expand the symbol data in an open Chart window by removing symbol data:

Click on the "Expand Chart" icon in the open Chart window's toolbar.

To condense the symbol data in an open Chart window by adding symbol data:

Click on the "Condense Chart" icon in the open Chart window's toolbar.

Note: You may also expand or condense the symbol data in an open Chart window by clicking on Chart and selecting Expand Chart or Condense Chart.