

Neovest lets you change your preferred symbology in your Neovest system. This feature allows you to specify the symbology identifier that will be used to request symbol data in Neovest windows.

When changing your preferred symbology, you may choose from such Neovest-specific and standard symbology identifiers as "NEOVEST," "ISIN," "CUSIP," "RIC," and "GL."

The following instructions explain how you may change your preferred symbology in your Neovest system:

Click the "Menu" icon on Neovest's Launch Pad.

Select Preferences | Symbology to access Neovest's menu of available symbology identifiers.

The following table provides descriptions of the symbology identifiers from which you may select your preferred symbology in your Neovest system:


NEOVEST Lets you select the proprietary symbology identifiers used by Neovest to identify individual securities in your Neovest system.
ISIN Lets you select the symbology identifiers used by ISIN (International Securities Identifying Number) to identify individual securities in your Neovest system.
CUSIP Lets you select the symbology identifiers used by CUSIP (Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures) to identify individual securities in your Neovest system.
RIC Lets you select the proprietary symbology identifiers used by Reuters to identify individual securities in your Neovest system.
GL Lets you select the proprietary symbology identifiers used by GL TRADE to identify individual securities in your Neovest system.

Select the symbology you prefer for your Neovest system.