
P&L Tab

Features in the "P&L" tab in Neovest's "Account Preferences" box let you determine how profit and loss is to be calculated in the header and various tabs in a particular Neovest Account+ window.

The following instructions explain how you may specify profit and loss settings for a particular Neovest Account+ window:

With an Account window open on your screen, click the gear icon, located on the far-right of the toolbar.

preference icon

Click the "Preferences" icon on the drop-down menu that appears.

preference menu

Once the "Account Preferences" box appears, select the "P&L" tab.

P&L tab

The following table provides descriptions of the features in the "P&L" tab of Neovest's "Account Preferences" box:

Feature: Description:
Stocks Lets you select the financial instrument (i.e., "Stocks," "Futures," or "Options") for which you would like to determine profit and loss settings.
Calculate Profit
Loss Using
Lets you determine how profit and loss for the financial instrument you have chosen (i.e., "Stocks," "Futures," or "Options") is to be calculated in the header and in various tabs of a particular Account+ window. You may choose to calculate P&L values using (1) the last traded price of each symbol outside regular market hours, or the last bid on long positions or the last ask on short positions for each symbol during market hours ("Last Pre/Post Market, Bid/Ask During Market"), (2) the ask of each symbol on short positions and the bid on long positions ("Ask on Short, Bid on Long"), (3) the last price of each symbol during both regular market hours and after market hours ("Last Price"), (4) the mid price, which is defined as the midpoint price between the current bid and ask prices ("Mid Price"), or (5) the last price of each symbol during both regular market hours and after market hours, including those trades that occur on venues such as ECNs ("Last+ Price").