
Account+ Preferences

Features in Neovest's "Account Preferences" box let you (1) select the status messages to be displayed under the "Status" display field in the Order Log tab, (2) determine between which dates the Order Log tab is to display orders, (3) determine how profit and loss is to be calculated in the header and in various tabs, (4) change the font and colors, and (5) add space for Action Buttons in a particular Neovest Account+ window.

The following instructions explain how you may change preferences in a particular Neovest Account+ window:

Click Edit on an open Neovest Account+ window.

edit dropdown menu

Select Preferences.

preferences select

Once the "Account Preferences" box appears, select the preferences you wish for the particular Neovest Account+ window.

Image of the Account Preferences box.

For information regarding how you may change preferences for a particular Neovest Account+ window, refer to the "Preferences" sections in the Account chapter in Neovest's Help documentation.