
Order Entry Toolbar

Near the top of Neovest's Order Entry window is a horizontal row of icons that is referred to in Neovest as the Order Entry window toolbar.


Icons in the Order Entry window toolbar are designed to let you access a Neovest feature or window with a single click.

The following table describes the function of each icon in Neovest's Order Entry window toolbar but does not explain in detail the features or windows associated with certain icons. As questions arise concerning any of the features or windows discussed below, please refer to the "Orders"chapter in Neovest's Help documentation for further assistance.

Note: Some of the icons mentioned are exclusive to the Stock, Options, or Futures Order ticket.

Feature: Description:
Link/Unlink Window
Lets you link or unlink an Order Entry window to or from other Neovest windows that are open on your screen. All open Neovest windows that are linked will load the same symbol; therefore, if you double-click on a symbol displayed in an open Neovest QuoteWatch window, then an open Neovest Order Entry window will automatically load the same symbol. As you click on the "Link Window" icon, the image of the link will change to appear either intact or broken. If the link appears intact, then an Order Entry window is linked to other Neovest windows that are open on your screen; if it appears broken, then it is not linked.

: For information regarding linking an Order Entry window to "All" open Neovest windows or to only certain windows that are on the same channel, refer to the following "All" instructions in this table.
Lets you choose to link an Order Entry window to "All" open Neovest windows or to only certain windows that are on the same channel. Neovest provides 20 different channels to which you may link windows. For instance, you may choose to link two open Neovest windows to channel "1," which will cause the two windows and any other windows that are linked to "All" to automatically load the same symbol. All other open Neovest windows that are not linked to "All" or to channel "1" will not load the same symbol.

: For information regarding why you may wish to link and unlink an Order Entry window to and from other Neovest windows that are open on your screen, refer to the preceding "Link/Unlink Window" instructions in this table.
Ref. ID Lets you enter or select a reference ID for a particular order. You may either click in the "Ref. ID" box and type a reference ID, or you may click on the drop-down arrow to select a reference ID that you have previously entered and saved via the "Ref. IDs" tab in Neovest's "Order Entry Preferences" box. Reference IDs are used as identifiers to distinguish individual orders after they are sent from a Neovest Order Entry window and appear in a Neovest Account+ window.

: For information regarding how you may enter and save personal reference IDs in the "Ref. IDs" tab in Neovest's "Order Entry Preferences" box, refer to the "Ref. IDs Tab" section in the "Orders" chapter in Neovest's Help documentation.
Lets you select an account.
Expands a Stock Order ticket to display more information regarding your order.

Note: You may remove the toolbar in any Neovest window by pressing Alt+T. Once the toolbar has been removed, simply press Alt+T again to restore the toolbar.

Further features may be accessed by clicking the gear icon, located on the far-right of the toolbar.

The following table describes the function of each icon in the drop-down menu but does not explain in detail the features or windows associated with certain icons. As questions arise concerning any of the features or windows discussed in the following table, refer to the "Orders" chapter in Neovest's Help documentation for further assistance.

Feature: Description:
Lets you access Neovest's Order Entry Stock Order ticket, which lets you enter information such as "Account," "Size," "Order Type," "Destination," and "Expire" to create and execute a trade for an equity.
Options Ticket
Lets you access Neovest's Order Entry Options ticket, which lets you enter information such as "Underlyer," "Expiration," "Strike," "Call/Put," "Position," "Destination," and "Order Type" to create and execute an order for an option.
Futures Ticket
Lets you access Neovest's Order Entry Futures Order ticket, which lets you enter information such as "Account," "Quantity," "Price," "Order Type," and "Expire" to create and execute a trade for a future.
Lets you add "Bundled Plugin," "Target Management," and "Currency & Security ID" sections to a Neovest Order Entry window. Features in these sections let you (1) create multiple legs from a single order, each with slightly dissimilar price and size criteria, and then bundle the legs together and send them simultaneously, (2) execute against existing target orders on particular symbols that you have accepted, and (3) enter a security ID, ID source, and currency for certain types of orders. For information regarding the features in the above-mentioned three sections that you may add to Neovest's Order Entry window, refer to the "Stock Orders Ticket" section in the Orders chapter in Neovest's Help documentation.
Lets you access the "Pretrade Analytics" window, allowing you to evaluate the potential of a specific symbol order, prior to sending the order for execution. For detailed information regarding the "Pretrade Analytics" window, refer to the "Order Entry Pretrade Analytics" sections in the Orders chapter of Neovest's Help documentation.
Custom Defaults
Lets you assign custom defaults for specific stock, options, and futures symbols. This feature is primarily designed to let you customize settings for individual symbols, versus using the general order entry settings that apply broadly to entire exchanges of symbols. Using this feature, you may determine size, price adjust increments, destination, expire type, account, and other defaults to certain symbols. This feature also lets you decide whether verification is required before sending certain symbol orders. For more information, refer to the "Custom Defaults" section in the Orders chapter of Neovet's Help documentation.
Lets you access Neovest's "Order Entry Preferences" box, which lets you (1) specify the type of limit price data to be loaded, (2) condense and simplify the view or select a custom ticket view, (3) enable an automatic tab feature when entering Quick Entry orders, (4) determine the layout in the Options Order ticket and decide whether an options order confirmation should appear, (5) disable and enable various cancel and order execution buttons, (6) change the type and size of font, (7) enter short locates from which you are certain you may borrow shares, (8) enter reference IDs that will apply to all Neovest Order Entry-type windows, (9) determine in which style you wish your Futures Order Tickets to appear, (10) create a custom "Stock Order," "Options Order," and "Futures Order" ticket, and (11) add Action Button panels to a "Stock Order," "Options Order," or "Futures Order" Order Entry window. For detailed information on all of the features in Neovest "Order Entry Preferences" box, refer to the "Order Entry Preferences" sections in the Orders chapter in Neovest's Help documentation.
Lets you save an Orders window that you have customized as the default Orders window. Once you save a customized Orders window as the default, then each time you click on the "Orders" icon on Neovest's Launch Pad, your saved default Orders window will appear.
Lets you reset the default Orders window to the original default established by Neovest.
Lock Window
Lets you lock an Order Entry window to remain open in a fixed position on your screen. Once you choose to lock a particular window using this feature, the window will remain open even if you choose to open and close one or more of your layouts.
Symbol Lookup
Accesses the "Symbol Lookup Guide" box, which lets you search for and view information regarding a particular cash item, equity, future, future spread, or index. Further features in this box let you search by "Description," "Ticker Symbol," "Bloomberg Symbol," or various symbol identification sources such as "RIC," "SEDOL," "ISIN," or "CUSIP." Lastly, Neovest lets you narrow your search results by selecting from a wide array of international exchanges or by entering key words or phrases to limit Neovest's search findings.
Lets you access Neovest's Help menu documentation.