Market Data Features

Order Entry Features

General Information

Custom Order Defaults

Did you know?

Neovest lets you set Custom Order Defaults on specific symbols and contracts. This feature lets traders set unique order entry defaults for individual stocks, futures, futures issues, options' contracts, expirations, and underliers.

The following is an example of Custom Order Defaults set on the stock symbol GOOG:

If a trader using these defaults were to trade GOOG, instead of using his parent settings for NASDAQ, defaults specific to GOOG would load into the order ticket with the parameters below. Size, Display Size, Size Increments, and Verification warnings would take precedent.

Traders may also customize a ticket’s individual defaults for Destination/Route specific parameters.

The following is an example of Custom Order Defaults set for options:

Underlier: AAPL

Expiration: AAPL 17 FEB 2017

Strike: 85.00 AAPL 30 OCT 2015

The following is an example of Custom Order Defaults set for future, set at either:

The issue level of CL, for example.

Or the contract level of CLH7, for example.

For further information regarding custom order defaults, refer to the "Custom Defaults" section of the "Orders" chapter of Neovest's Help documentation.