Market Data Features

Order Entry Features

General Information

Volume Analytics

Did you know?

Neovest lets you apply certain analytics to study a symbol’s volume. The following volume-specific data fields reveal a small part of Neovest’s analytical technology:

Using the field VolAve%W, traders may determine the current percentage of volume in relation to its 20-day average.

Using VolProfile, traders may view a volume profile of a security over the last 21 days.

Using ExpVol, traders may estimate the expected total volume for the current session at any given time on a specific instrument.

Traders may add these fields to a QuickQuote, QuoteWatch, Order Entry Montage or any other window showing market data fields.

For example, if there is an hour remaining in the current U.S. market session, certain Neovest analytic fields will reveal the following:

The Weighted Average Percent Volume displays the percentage of the average daily volume expected for today.

The Expected Volume shows what the expected total volume on the day will be.

For further information regarding volume analytics, refer to the "Default Tab" section in the "Order Entry Montage" chapter of Neovest's Help documentation.