Market Data Features

Order Entry Features

General Information

Pre-Trade Order Alerts

Did you know?

In Neovest you can set pre-trade order alerts to highlight orders that might require some additional attention.

You can receive alerts on your potential order based on:

Percent of average daily volume

Percent of estimated remaining volume

Volume average percent

When one of your specified alerts is triggered you will see a red warning drop down in the order ticket.

When you click on the "Order Impact Alert" the "Pre-Trade Analytics" screen will open, providing you with insight as to how your order might impact the market.

If you are trading outside of core market hours you can enable a setting to use Spread Cost After Hours to run the calculations against the Bid/Ask spread rather than the Last traded price.

You may also set a default Percentage of Volume value for POV-Specified in the Pre-Trade Analysis window.

For further information regarding pre-trade order alerts, refer to the "Pretrade Tab" section in the "Menu" chapter of Neovest's Help documentation.