Market Data Features

Order Entry Features

General Information

Bundled Orders

Did you know?

Neovest's Bundled Orders feature lets traders break up a single order into multiple slices at varying price levels and weights for equities, futures, and options.

Traders may access this functionality via the Bundled Plugin in an Orders Ticket. From this source a trader may select a number of legs, a price offset, and an aggression level.

If slicing the size of a particular order creates uneven leg quantities, the uneven lots are attached to the first order. Traders may, however, easily adjust leg sizes by moving a slider bar.

Neovest also lets traders manage orders together. Once a trader checks "Manage Orders Together" on the Bundles Plugin, all bundled orders may be managed as one. To accomplish this, simply select an option from the Order Change Ticket for any of the bundled orders, and click the "Modify the Series" button once the pop-up appears.

For further information regarding bundled orders, refer to the "Bundled Order" section in the "Orders" chapter of Neovest's Help documentation.