
Montage Window Preferences

Features in Neovest's "Montage Preferences" box let you determine the information to be displayed, let you decide whether to display your sent orders and any other orders to which you have access, let you add space for Action Buttons, and let you change the colors and font in a Neovest Montage window.

Neovest's Montage window is comprised of five separate sections: (1) the market maker, ECN, and regional exchange section, (2) the Spinner section, (3) the QuickQuote section, (4) the time and sales section, and (5) the Action Button section(s). Neovest lets you decide whether to hide or show any of these sections in a Montage window.

Certain features in Neovest's "Montage Preferences" box apply exclusively to individual sections in a Neovest Montage window, while other features apply to all of the sections in a Neovest Montage window.

The "Montage Preferences" sections in the menu to the left discuss the seven tabs (i.e., "General," "Font," "Colors," "Color Schemes," "Orders / Spinners," "IOI," and "Actions") contained in Neovest's "Montage Preferences" box and explain how the features in these tabs apply to the various sections in a Neovest Montage window.