
General Tab

Features in the "General" tab in Neovest's "Options Preferences" box let you (1) customize the window style, (2) determine the option type(s) you wish to view, (3) , (4) specify whether you wish to view options data for all available options contracts or for specific expiration months, (5) choose the number of underlying futures contracts you wish to view, and (6) choose the number of exchanges you wish to view in a particular Neovest Options window.

The following table provides descriptions of the rest of the features for the "General" tab in the Options Preferences box:

Feature: Description:
Window Style: Standard Lets you choose either the Standard window style in a Neovest Options window.
Window Style: Combo Lets you choose the Combo window style in a Neovest Options window. This format will add to the default Options window a section that lets you view in real time all of the market makers, ECNs, and regional exchanges that represent a current bid or ask order for each symbol you enter. Bid and ask prices for each symbol you enter are displayed from best to worst, with the highest bid and lowest ask prices always at the top. Additionally, Neovest will add an Options Order ticket, which will let you specify options order parameters such as account, expiration month, strike price, destination, size, order type, limit price, and equity position. From this Options Order ticket you may send orders directly from the Options window.
Window Style: Independent Put/Call Column Configurations Lets you choose to either sync the put and call columns or enable them to be manipulated independently in an Options window. If you click Independent, then you may select new display fields or add or remove display fields from either the put or call columns. Your changes will only apply to the applicable column.
Window Style: Display Expires As Tabs Lets you choose to display each expiration as an individual tab within the window.
Window Style: Blank Out Rows Missing Bid and Offer (Non-Equity) Lets you hide non-marketable options from an Options Window.
Display Option Type(s) Lets you choose to display certain information in the "Option Type" display field in an Options window. Once you choose to add the Option Type display field, information such as "Standard," "Weekly," "Quarterly," and so on relating to each options contract will appear.
Options Months to Display Lets you specify that you wish to receive options data in an Options window for all of the available options contracts or only the specific expiration months you specify in this feature's associated drop-down menu.
Underlying Futures Contracts to Display Lets you specify the maximum number of futures contracts you wish to display in a particular Neovest Options window.
Exchanges (Equities) Lets you specify that you wish to receive options data on the entered symbol from either a Composite of all of Neovest's supported option exchanges or only the American Stock Exchange (AMEX), the Better Alternative Trading System Global Market Exchange (BATS), the Boston Options Exchange (BOX), the Chicago Board of Options Exchange's second exchange (C2), the Chicago Board of Options Exchange (CBOE), the International Securities Exchange (ISE), the NASDAQ (NASD), the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), or the Philadelphia Stock Exchange (PHLX) in an Options window.

Once you have finished specifying the configuration and data you wish to see in a Neovest Options window, click OK.
