
Fractional Instruments in Neovest

Neovest displays its fractional instruments in eighths, thirty-seconds, and sixty-fourths.

The following table shows the fractional instruments that Neovest provides:

Feature: Examples:
In eighths 1454 2/8, 561 4/8, 76 6/8, etc.
In thirty-seconds 149-04, which interpreted is 149 4/32; 110-10 1/2, or 110 and 10 1/2 32nds; 116-16 3/4, or 116 and 16 3/4 32nds, etc.
In sixty-fourths 23'05, which interpreted is 23 5/64; 34'00 1/2, or 34 and 1/2 64ths; 101'13 1/2, or 101 and 13 1/2 64ths, etc.

In the QuoteWatch window below, note the various prices in eighths. Also, when a dash is present in a price, this signifies a fractional instrument in thirty-seconds.

In the following Options window, an apostrophe is shown relating to a price. When the apostrophe is present, the fractional instrument is in sixty-fourths.