Indication of Interest

General Tab

Features in the "General" tab in Neovest's "IOI Preferences" box let you (1) choose to trade on particular IOIs, even if you are not authorized to receive market data on the IOIs' symbols through Neovest, (2) choose to receive and display IOIs in a particular Neovest Indication of Interest (IOI) window either from "All Brokers" available to you or from "Selected Brokers" you have chosen from the list of available brokers in your account, and (3) activate Neovest's "IOI Notify" pop-up box, which will appear each time you receive a new IOI during an individual trading day in a particular IOI window either from all of your available brokers or exclusively from those you have selected.

The following instructions explain how you may specify general settings via the "General" tab in Neovest's "IOI Preferences" box for a particular Neovest IOI window:

With an IOI window open on your screen, click the gear icon, located on the far-right of the toolbar.

prefernce icon

Click the "Preferences" icon on the drop-down menu that appears.

select preferences

Once the "IOI Preferences" box appears, select the "General" tab.


The following table provides descriptions of the features in the "General" tab in Neovest's "IOI Preferences" box:

Feature: Description:
Enable Trading of Unresolved Symbols Lets you choose to trade on particular IOIs, even if you are not authorized to receive market data on the IOIs' symbols through Neovest. By checking this feature, the Trade button of the IOI not receiving market data in an IOI window will become enabled, which will allow you to trade on the IOI.
Brokers Lets you choose to receive and display IOIs in a particular IOI window either from (1) "All Brokers" available to you or from (2) "Selected Brokers" you have chosen from the list of available brokers in your account. If you wish to receive and display IOIs in a particular IOI window only from selected brokers you have chosen, you must first click on "Available Brokers" and then double-click on the brokers you wish in the "Available Brokers" field to add your chosen brokers to the "Selected Brokers" field.
Show Pop-up on New Entries in Group Lets you activate Neovest's "IOI Notify" pop-up box, which will appear each time a new IOI is received either from (1) "All Brokers" available to you or from (2) "Selected Brokers" that you have chosen from the list of available brokers in your account. In other words, once you check this feature you will begin to be notified via a pop-up box each time you receive a new IOI during an individual trading day in a particular IOI window either from all of your available brokers or exclusively from those you have selected in the "Selected Brokers" field. For information on how you may select specific brokers, refer to the previous "Brokers" instructions in this table.