Features in Neovest's "Spread Matrix Preferences" box let you (1) choose to display certain price data associated with each spread futures contract, (2) determine whether Neovest should calculate spread data before it appears or if data should appear directly as it comes from its applicable exchange, (3) determine the number of Depth of Book levels and the maximum number of futures contracts to load, (4) select a different type, style, and size of font, (5) choose the foreground and background colors of spread and contract bids as well as the color of empty cells, (6) darken or lighten the shading of italicized implied prices (which are the prices calculated by Neovest), (7) determine the coloring of each consecutive year of future spreads contracts, and (8) darken or lighten the shading of consecutive year coloring for a particular tab in a Neovest Spread Matrix window.
The "Spread Matrix Preferences" sections in the menu to the left discuss the three tabs (i.e., "General," "Font," and "Colors") contained in Neovest's Spread Matrix Preferences box.